Monday, January 31, 2022

Lonely lessons

 I have been teaching subject and predicate in both the English and Bengali languages today. During the course of the lesson, I reaffirmed what I've always believed: that children learn better when they have a peer group to reinforce that learning. As soon as my son joined my student, there was a palpable change of atmosphere in the room; the classroom became a common room and learning became entertaining, instead of a grim duty to be done under duress.

The ensuing study session was a success, the children had a stimulating quarter of an hour bouncing ideas and possibilities off each other. On the other side of the table sat I, a happy educator who felt she had just taught something meaningful and relevant. No wonder online learning is never comparable to a physical classroom; the former, despite our best and concerted efforts, shall sadly remain an exercise in lonesome lethargy.

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