Saturday, March 25, 2023

Seen and heard nearby

 It was hilarious watching four street dogs bark incessantly at a loudspeaker secured atop an auto parked in a quiet residential corner nearby, yesterday. Every time a pre recorded female voice spoke, the critters ventured into a voluble crescendo of concern. They paused, uncertain, every time the voice paused. Again it spoke. Again, the fourlegged furies let rip their fierce avatars. It was a curious spectacle, although I am quite intimidated by a gang of street dogs at any time of day or night.

The other interesting sight was that of a little child, barely four years old, holding two lightweight plastic bags in each hand, filled with some groceries. He was trudging along, a tiny thing compared to his tall, bespectacled father who was trying to slow his steps consciously so as not to outpace his son. I beamed at him as I sped past, on the last leg of my morning walk, with a thumbs up and a 'well done'! That probably made his day, judging from the shy sunshine that gradually streaked across his chubby cheeks.



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