Sunday, January 31, 2021


 Not surprised it's the rage on Instagram right now. 

Wonder why we didn't come up with it before? Just 4 different food components - cheese, protein, salad and a sauce/dip. One small cut into a quarter of the tortilla/roti/crepe and voila!

Trying it at the earliest. What fun it'll be improvising various permutations and combinations! Try it, folks!

Monday, January 25, 2021

Time management

 I sometimes stare in awe and envy at culinary accomplishments of sundry others on social media. Not at their quality (as K says, how do you certify quality without actually tasting food) but rather at their effing quantity. I often serve dishes which involve time consuming preparation for lunch instead of breakfast. However, there are experts who can rustle up motorshnutir kochuri, aloor dom and patishapta, all in the same meal, without batting an eyelid!

Do their clocks function differently from ours, I wonder? Also, do they not have any other household chores on weekends?!


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