Saturday, March 28, 2009


You can feel it all around.

In my state of mind (euphoric) ; in K's state of mind (serene), in the energy and enthusiasm Mansi and I /K and I are beginning to invest in our habitual walks each afternoon/evening (considerable). In the amount of people you get to see oudoors early in the morning or late in the evening (lots !). In the call of the wild (birds chirping frantically and dogs too awed to start their barking-at-strangers routine). In the smiles you are bestowed on by utter strangers when outdoors (the Carnegie magic). In the maniacal sweeping and cleaning that seems to be going on all around (indoors and out). In the distinct difference in the nature of fruits and vegetables that are now available at the local greengrocers (better nectarines and strawberries and even mangoes, it seems !). In the budding leaves on every single tree, bush and shrub (dense clumps and tight clusters of white/green/red). In the gradually increasing amount of daylight (sunset after 7 pm). In the unwillingness of the boys to stay cooped up at office for prolonged durations , now that they want to be home while the sunlight lasts and venture outdoors for a walk or a game. In the huge clearance sales at most shopping malls, where skirts, capris, walking shorts, dresses and sandals are replacing the stale stock of trousers, jackets, coats, mufflers and boots. In the Walmart ads of early spring flowers already being on sale. In our looking forward to the next long weekend, which happens to be Easter. In the rising hopes and swelling hearts everywhere.

Crocus flowers : Heralding a new seasonal cycle

Yup, there's no doubt about it. Spring's well on its way. And it's just the harbinger of better things.

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