Saturday, March 25, 2023

Seen and heard nearby

 It was hilarious watching four street dogs bark incessantly at a loudspeaker secured atop an auto parked in a quiet residential corner nearby, yesterday. Every time a pre recorded female voice spoke, the critters ventured into a voluble crescendo of concern. They paused, uncertain, every time the voice paused. Again it spoke. Again, the fourlegged furies let rip their fierce avatars. It was a curious spectacle, although I am quite intimidated by a gang of street dogs at any time of day or night.

The other interesting sight was that of a little child, barely four years old, holding two lightweight plastic bags in each hand, filled with some groceries. He was trudging along, a tiny thing compared to his tall, bespectacled father who was trying to slow his steps consciously so as not to outpace his son. I beamed at him as I sped past, on the last leg of my morning walk, with a thumbs up and a 'well done'! That probably made his day, judging from the shy sunshine that gradually streaked across his chubby cheeks.


Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Random Reading Project Day 10

 And here goes: 

It is a pity that in a country of a billion plus, we cannot see the simplicity of the above. We are trained from school days to polarise our thoughts and are judged as uncertain and vacillating if we actually have the audacity to declare that we do not choose to take any side as they both seem fairly credible/ convincing to us.

Human thoughts are vast and varied as are the variety of ways in which we think, feel and act. When will that moment finally occur when we realise that there is no truth, just facts and that one person's reality is always another person's uncertainty?

Monday, February 20, 2023

Random Reading Project: Day 9

 After yet another unintended hiatus, I'm back!

Now, I'm mentally making a list of those 5 people.

Mother, husband, best friend, son, tuition students. Hmmm.

I should be good ;-)


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